Safe Lifting Operations Course
Two Days
Course Overview:
Given the necessary theoretical training, the learner will be able to identify Lifting Operations and its associated hazards, and the control measures needed when considering a Lifting operation.
Course Outline:
- Definitions
- Job, Site Considerations
- Wire Rope Construction
- Wore Rope Identification
- Sling Inspection
- Types of Shackles
- Shackles Pre-Use Inspection
- Shackles what to avoid
- Flat Webbing and Synthetic Slings
- Inspection of Synthetic Slings
- Crane Hazards
- Working Near Excavation
- Banks-man / Standby Person
- Hand Signals
- Lifting Operation Plan
- Site Safety
Target Audience:
All personnel who do Lifting Operations, work near a Lifting activity or might be associated with it.
Competencies Gained and Course Outcome:
- The ability to identify hazards associated with lifting operations.
- The ability to determine the general controls that shall be taken when conducting lifting operation.
- The knowledge of different types of lifting equipments.
- The knowledge of different type of lifting gear.